About Me

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Former educator and current wife, mom, daughter, and friend. Really, I'm just a southern girl trying to live the happiest, healthiest life I can. I do it with the help of those who know me best and love me anyway - God, my family, and my friends.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My Lent Project: Day 14

Instead of giving UP something for Lent, I’m giving THANKS for the many blessings of life.  Here’s what I’m feeling incredibly thankful for today . . .

Airport security.

Running into friends in one of the busiest airports in the world.




A safe flight.

Beaver Creek, Colorado.

Mountains in ever direction.

Aspen trees.

Untouched snow.

Family vacations.

A warm coat.

Cold medicine.


Roast chicken.

Peach gelato.

The United States of America.

Libby in her silver sequined Uggs.

Charlie trying out his ski poles around the house we're staying in.

The looks on their faces when they talk about the days ahead.

Jesus, who is with me wherever I go.