About Me

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Former educator and current wife, mom, daughter, and friend. Really, I'm just a southern girl trying to live the happiest, healthiest life I can. I do it with the help of those who know me best and love me anyway - God, my family, and my friends.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My Lent Project: Day 13

Instead of giving UP something for Lent, I’m giving THANKS for the many blessings of life.  Here’s what I’m feeling incredibly thankful for today . . .


Waking up to another day of life.

Kids counting down the days.

Vanilla almond milk.

The Immaculate Baking Company's cinnamon rolls.



Big dreams.

Big suitcases.


Restaurants that take reservations.

A lunch date with my husband.

When the packing is finished.

Libby in her purple leotard.

The freckles scattered across Charlie's nose.


Jesus, the light of the world.