About Me

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Former educator and current wife, mom, daughter, and friend. Really, I'm just a southern girl trying to live the happiest, healthiest life I can. I do it with the help of those who know me best and love me anyway - God, my family, and my friends.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Falling for You

If you doubt the existence of God, may I suggest something?  It’s super simple.  Won’t take you but a few seconds, yet might just change your eternity.

Step outside.

That’s it.  Just walk out into the world and take a look around, my friends.  The evidence, the proof of Him . . .

Y’all.  It’s everywhere.

It’s in the gold.  Dancing from branches, swaying on the breeze as the temperatures fall, it pours like warm honey into the soul.  The color of his lampstands in the temple.  The color of the bowl where he holds the prayers of the saints.  The color of the streets in heaven.  It glistens and gleams and reflects the light, His light, and I know . . . it’s all His doing. 

It’s in the orange too.  The orange, reminding me there will be a harvest, again, because his provisions never stop.  It catches my eye, lapping at me, like flames reaching out to touch the coldest heart.  That fiery orange, so pure and vibrant it could never be replicated, it burns down in, consuming me with the warmth only He can bring.

It’s in the red as well.  Every shade, from scarlet to crimson, the hues seem almost unimaginable on leaves once green.  The red, so rich and sure and alive, dripping like grace to cover me, all of me.  That red, the color of blood poured out on a cross, the color of blood shed to redeem a broken world, the color of our Savior's blood, given to bring life that never ends.

The gold shimmering in the sunshine, it won’t last.  The orange will be gone within weeks.  The red disappears as each day grows colder.  But that gold hanging like love notes from the trees, it cries out, See my greatness and power and glory and majesty and splendor. That orange flaring up before my very eyes, it calls loudly, The world is all my creation. That red flashing deep and vibrant and true, it sings, Delight in what I have made. 

And though they all drop away as fall becomes winter, for a short time each year, every year, the colors of autumn offer beautiful, fleeting reminders. Those colors, they burst through my doubts and shout from the treetops and pulse in my ears . . .







Happy Fall, friends!  May this season of bounty and blessings fill you with love the way it always seems to do for me - may His love be so complete in you, that it can't help but overflow to others.