About Me

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Former educator and current wife, mom, daughter, and friend. Really, I'm just a southern girl trying to live the happiest, healthiest life I can. I do it with the help of those who know me best and love me anyway - God, my family, and my friends.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Jesus saves. 

That’s what we say.  And I believe it. 

Jesus saves all who choose to let him do it, and there are countless stories of those who have.  The alcoholic, the addict, the adulterer – thousands claim the only way they found rescue from the chains of slavery that bound them is because they let Jesus break those chains.  They let him destroy those chains and replace them with heartstrings, attached only to Him and his promises of hope and redemption and freedom.

There are others who save in this world.  Lawyers save reputations.  Counselors save marriages.  Bankers save businesses.

A lovely woman in my Bible study recently brought up her son. He used to be a firefighter.

Firefighters certainly understand what it means to save.  A firefighter doesn’t think about the risk, doesn’t worry about the possibilities, doesn’t consider the consequences.  A firefighter rushes into a burning building with a single purpose - to save.  It doesn’t matter to him who is in the building, or why.  Doesn’t matter what they look like or who they love or how messy their past might be.  A firefighter runs straight into fire . . . straight through fire . . . intent on rescue no matter the cost.

What if we rushed to save like that? 

What if we didn’t think about the risks?  I mean, really . . . what are a few hurt feelings anyway?  A little embarrassment?  Wounded pride?  We are lucky to live in America, my friends - it's not as if we're going to lose our lives because we share Jesus.  We aren’t running into buildings engulfed in flames here, and yet . . . we are, aren’t we?

People are burning.  They are on fire with their sin, gasping for breath from the scalding weight of it.  They are in danger . . . dying from the heat of their pain and their doubt and their hopelessness . . . and we should be running towards them without fear because we have the good news that can set them free. 

We have Jesus.  The Living Water.  The One who can put out every fire.

There are many who save things – important things - in this world.  There are even many who save lives.  But only Jesus can save souls.  And if we claim to serve this saver of souls . . . this Savior of ours . . . shouldn’t we be running into the fire with him every chance we get?

“Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.”
Proverbs 25:25