About Me

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Former educator and current wife, mom, daughter, and friend. Really, I'm just a southern girl trying to live the happiest, healthiest life I can. I do it with the help of those who know me best and love me anyway - God, my family, and my friends.

Friday, February 14, 2014


Don’t you just love the way those conversation hearts have kept up with the times?  Each year, the candy companies who make them are sure to add new phrases, announcing with just one or two simple words that things have changed. 

‘Fax me’ was the new phrase in the 80’s.  Not sure how many people actually chose to use a fax machine to declare their love, but faxing was pretty cool stuff back then, and the concept was destined to appear on a candy heart.  In the 90’s, ‘Email me’ showed up on the hearts, and now, of course, we have “Text me.”  I’m guessing the candy companies would love to figure out a way to include “Change your Facebook status to in a relationship for me” and “Let’s Instragram that awesome picture of the two of us frolicking on the beach together,” but, you know, the hearts are only half an inch wide. 

It’s Valentine’s Day and my children have already enjoyed their share of conversation hearts this week.  Unfortunately, after Atlanta’s snowmaggedon take two, I’m not feeling a whole lot of love today.  In fact, snowmaggedon just about snowmakilledme.  It also confirmed the fact that I will never NOT ON YOUR LIFE homeschool my children.   Funny how too much of a good thing can alter your perspective. 

After our first set of snow days a couple weeks ago, I was relishing in the joy of an unexpected holiday.  I had enjoyed the down time with my family so much that I actually found myself lamenting about how little time I get to spend with my children, what with all the fun we’d had playing together in our city’s rare and wonderful winter wonderland. 

Two weeks and another two snow days later, there is no lamenting.  There is no more joy in the rare and wonderful, and as I said, even love seems to be in short supply today.

Still, it is Valentine’s Day, and love must be in the air somewhere.  If you ask me, it’s probably wherever the air is a balmy eighty-five degrees and there are no school closings scrolling across the bottom of a television screen.  Either way, there is something I want to say to all of you on this Valentine’s Day, my friends . . .

Wherever you are, find yourself a bag of those conversation hearts today.  Pop a few in your mouth if you’d like – it’s okay, calories never count on holidays, remember – but read them first.  Smile at the ones that say “For sure” and “Yes” and “Why not.”  Ponder the past and how times have changed when you see the ones that say “Text me.”   And when you get to the one that’s in every bag of candy hearts, the one with that quintessential phrase you can find on cards and cakes and balloons all over the country today, I want you to stop and think about the One who taught us how to love, because He is love.  And on this Valentine’s Day, and on every other day, I hope you remember that this is really all He’s trying to say . . .