Okay folks, here goes nothing. Or everything. Hey, it's gotta be at least something, right? Something new. Something exciting. Something I'm sure to have plenty of second thoughts about because that's what people with type 'A' personalities and a healthy touch of OCD do. We think about things. A lot. Then we think about them again. And just to be sure our minds never have a moment to stop racing, reevaluating, recalculating, and replaying, we think about them one more time.
Yes, I've been thinking about this whole blogging thing for a while now. It seems pretty interesting. I can make the random and enormously messy jumble of chaotic thoughts that enter my brain on a daily basis available to the whole wide world. At no cost, other than the cost of my own vanity, of course. Wow. I'm not sure it's really necessary, but it sure sounds like a good way to get some free therapy, doesn't it? And who doesn't need a bit of that these days?
So, like I said, here goes.