About Me

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Former educator and current wife, mom, daughter, and friend. Really, I'm just a southern girl trying to live the happiest, healthiest life I can. I do it with the help of those who know me best and love me anyway - God, my family, and my friends.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

My Lent Project: Day 1

Instead of giving UP something for Lent, I’m giving THANKS for the many blessings of life.  Here’s what I’m feeling incredibly thankful for today . . .

The snooze button.

Snuggling with my husband under warm covers.

Heat on a chilly morning.


Toilet paper.

Coffee. With caffeine.  And cream.

A puppy that comes running out to greet me every morning, slipping and sliding on the hardwoods like Bambi on ice.

A working dishwasher filled with clean dishes when I wake up.

My 11 year-old son coming downstairs every school day dressed and ready to go as though he’s been up for hours.

My 8 year-old daughter stumbling downstairs every school day, still half asleep, with her hair all over the place and crinkles on her face from the sheets.

Freshly painted kitchen cabinets with new round hardware that always looks exactly right, as opposed to the rectangular drawer pulls I used to have that made my brain break because people with OCD can’t have knobs that don’t stay straight!


My washing machine and dryer.

Tony Horton's balance and power workout.

A shower.

Hot water.

Freshly mopped floors.

A car that starts on the first try.

The motherland Super Target.

Broccoli cheese quiche from the Patio.

A debit card that isn't declined.

Windshield wipers.

Watching my kids devour the same Girl Scout cookies I loved when I was a kid.

Jesus, who taught us what it means to love.