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Former educator and current wife, mom, daughter, and friend. Really, I'm just a southern girl trying to live the happiest, healthiest life I can. I do it with the help of those who know me best and love me anyway - God, my family, and my friends.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tis' The Season

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come.  The month has arrived and the race is set to begin.  The contestants have taken their places on the starting line, and nervous energy bounces and crackles between them.  Anticipation hangs in the crisp December air and the stadium is packed with eager spectators.  The bell rings and they’re off like a shot!  The crowd erupts in cheers as they surge ahead, faces set in serious concentration, eyes focused solely on the rush towards the finish.  They push and shove and grab at the things in their path – lights, trees, wreaths, bows.  They agonize about stocking stuffers, toil over gingerbread houses, and search for the world’s cutest picture to put on the front of a card.  They rack their brains to come up with elf tricks, fretting and fussing to make every second count as they check off the items on their lengthy must-do lists.   Over and over they shop, purchase, wrap and label, as the minutes speed by until the twenty-fifth day.  

Y’all . . . I get it.  December is nuts.  We look forward to the holiday season all year long, and then we find ourselves panicked and frustrated because budgets are tight, parking spaces are allusive, and our children can’t seem to summon even an ounce of gratitude while scouring the dozens of toy catalogs that arrive in the mailbox each afternoon.  It’s the same thing every year - we become so focused on finding the perfect gift for everyone in our lives that we forget the greatest gift ever given is the reason we’re celebrating in the first place.

That stadium of spectators?  That crowd of people?  They ARE paying attention.  Christians, let’s never forget we always have an audience.  And right now, as we experience the advent season and prepare for the coming of our King, the whole world is watching.  
What will these people do to honor that glorious day God came to dwell among them?

Will they spend more time fighting over their place in line than fighting to provide peace?  Will they invest more in presents under the tree than in being present in the lives of their neighbors?  Will they sacrifice their patience instead of their plenty?

This is our chance, my friends.  This is an opportunity we simply can’t afford to miss.  We have a captive audience and we can show them what Christmas is all about.  We can put aside all our good intentions to provide the best gifts for our families, and instead, we can provide the best gift of all time . . . to the world.

I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. Romans 1:16-17
Am I ashamed of the gospel?

A Christmas tree stands tall and proud in our family room, covered in lights, crosses of all shapes and sizes dangling from its branches.

But am I ashamed of the gospel?

There are nativities in our kitchen, foyer, dining room, and basement, their statues a reminder of that night in a Bethlehem manger.
But am I ashamed of the gospel?

We read aloud from our Jesse tree devotional each night, listening in awe to the Old Testament stories that paved the way for a Savior to come.


Have I told anyone about that Savior this week?  Have I shared the prophecies that for centuries whispered His name?  Have I mentioned that holy night when Mary held the Son of God in her very arms, tiny and precious and exactly what the Bible promised all along?
The gospel is good news for ALL to hear.  It is the gift of the season – HE is the gift of the season.  And gifts are always meant to be given away.

I pray we will not be ashamed of the gospel this Christmas season.  I pray we will announce the good news every chance we get, to every person who needs to hear it.