Ephesians 3:20 To Him who is able to do immeasurably more
than all we ask or imagine . . .
Do it. Please. Do more.
Do immeasurably more, Lord. We
are asking. We are imagining. We are wailing and kicking and thrashing and begging.
This can’t go on. It’s too much,
too many, too often. The bleeding
continues and it’s all just too much.
The bleeding and the screaming and the death. Bodies altered. Children murdered. Hearts and minds and lives scared . . . scarred
. . . forever.
How many more times can we witness joy turned tragic, celebration made
wretched? How many more people must
suffer at the hands of sin? How much
fear, how much pain, how much grief can we take?
Do more.
And then . . . I see Jesus hanging on that cross, and I realize, He’s already
done it all.
Maybe . . . it’s our turn.
Maybe, we have to do more . . . help more and teach more and
sacrifice more and love more. Because if
we can ask and imagine and cry and plead and beg, we can also DO. We were made to DO. Love is an action, and we are called to
it. Not just when bombs detonate in our city
streets with every intent to kill. Not
just in Boston, or New York, or Oklahoma, or in our own backyards.
John 16:33 “In this world you
will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
He did it with love. Somehow, so must we.
I hope you will join me in praying for the people of Boston today, and for people all over the world who are asking God to do more.