About Me

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Former educator and current wife, mom, daughter, and friend. Really, I'm just a southern girl trying to live the happiest, healthiest life I can. I do it with the help of those who know me best and love me anyway - God, my family, and my friends.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

So, here's the deal, friends.  You can't read this post.  You have to sing it to the very familiar tune of Jingle Bells (but with an extra verse between each chorus, because I just couldn't make it work any other way).   Go ahead now.  Belt it out.  And don't worry - no one can hear you.:)

Dashing through the Forum,

In my banged up SUV,

Cursing every minivan,

That pulls in front of me.

Who are all these people?

Where did they come from?

Don’t they know this is my mall,

Who invited them to come?

I’m running out of time,

There's only one day more,

How will I be super Mom

if I don’t hit every store?

OH, jingle bells! Jingle bells!

It’s almost Christmas Day,

Only hours left to go

I find a spot to park,

I grab my purse and run,

I’ll make it through this shopping list,

And boy will it be fun.

I find the things I need,

But the lines are oh so long,

I’m mad at everyone I see,

Why does this feel so wrong?

I wait and wait and wait,

I buy and buy and buy,

I add up all the money spent,

I think I might just cry.

OH, jingle bells! Jingle bells!

It’s almost Christmas day,

I should be filled with happiness,

But I want to run away.

Finally I’m done, 

I slump back towards my car,

Then glance up at the dark night sky,

And glimpse a shimmering star.

The bags fall from my hands,

The anger flees my mind,

Hope and peace consume my soul

As I watch that star just shine.

It’s not about the shopping

It’s not about my list,

It’s all about remembering

God’s greatest ever gift.

OH, jingle bells! Jingle bells!

Feel the wondrous joy,

All because in Bethlehem,

 Was born a baby boy.

I return home to my crew,

My spirits lifted high,

The stress is washed away,

For I'm focused on the why.

Our tree is filled with lights,

The stockings hung with care,

I pull my kids in close,

I have something to share.

"I love you more than words,

I love you in every way,

But no one's ever loved you,

Like God on Christmas Day."


OH, jingle bells! Jingle bells!

Thank you, God above,

You sent your one and only son,

And filled the world with love.

Shockingly, I've never won a Grammy for my songwriting skills.  Still, how'd you do?  Feel better?  I hope so. Now . . . after you go shopping tomorrow for the eleventh time this month and it takes thirty minutes to park and you wait in line for hours and you spend all your money on toys your kids will forget about in 47.9 seconds, sing it again.  And this time . . . let the whole world hear you.