About Me

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Former educator and current wife, mom, daughter, and friend. Really, I'm just a southern girl trying to live the happiest, healthiest life I can. I do it with the help of those who know me best and love me anyway - God, my family, and my friends.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

This has nothing to do with anything, but I have to share it anyway because hey, not every post can be well thought-out and incredibly insightful and . . . oh, yea, those are the other blogs you read.  Okay.  That’s great then.  This post fits in just fine.
Our Libby has done and said some funny things in her seven years.  My personal favorite . . .

Several years ago, Adam’s cousin asked us if Libby could be the flower girl in her wedding.  When we told our daughter she was going to be a flower girl, she promptly responded by grinning from ear to ear and asking the most precious question any four year old child has ever asked.
“What kind of flower will I be?”

Now I’m grinning from ear to ear remembering that moment, as I will long after Libby has her own wedding and, possibly, her own flower girl.
So.  My kids love playing the Brain Teasers game on the Ipad.  It’s a game of riddles . . . questions that make you think, like this one:

What can be swallowed, but can also swallow you?

Your pride.

Oooo.   Good one, don’t ya think?

Here’s another:
The more you have of it, the less you see.  What is it?


Cool, huh?
Some are a bit goofy:

What can go up a chimney down but can’t go down a chimney up?


An umbrella.

Yea.  I didn’t really need to know that, but you get the drift.  The brain teasers game is interesting and entertaining, and since Libby and I have been stuck at home for five days now (she had bronchitis which turned into pneumonia), we’ve had a LOT of time to play it.  As it turns out, I’m pretty good at the Ipad brain teasers game.  I’ve been answering riddles left and right with clever responses that seem to shock my only daughter.  I’m still not sure why she has such a surprised look on her face every time I get one right.  I mean, honestly, where does she think she inherited all of her amazing intelligence from anyway?  At one point, she actually came right out and voiced her skepticism.

“How do you know all the answers, mama?”

To which I responded in the most humble manner possible,
“I’m smarter than the average bear, honey.”

Now here’s where the story gets good, even if not particularly insightful.
Last night, Adam and I were working out with our personal trainer, Tony Horton, who shows up in our basement six days a week as long as we keep pressing play.  Libby decided it was time to give Adam a turn with the Ipad brain teaser game.  As it turns out, he’s easily stumped.  And since it’s especially hard to answer riddles while curling dumbbells, my husband was quickly frustrated enough to bark at his sick, pneumonia ridden daughter . . .

“Why are you asking me all these questions anyway, Libby?”
To which my brilliant and loyal daughter confidently responded,

“Because you’re the average bear, Daddy.”
And now, the flower girl thing comes in at a close second on my list of favorite funny lines from Libby. 
Happy Sunday, friends!  Hug your bears tightly today.  Even the average ones.:)