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Former educator and current wife, mom, daughter, and friend. Really, I'm just a southern girl trying to live the happiest, healthiest life I can. I do it with the help of those who know me best and love me anyway - God, my family, and my friends.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)

I’m fairly certain I could learn something new about the Bible at least once every five minutes.  I mean, the Bible is chocked full of interesting stories, many of which are not only interesting but probably happened at least once on Days of Our Lives.  Seriously, what’s not to learn from Leah, whose father, Laban, convinced her to pretend to be her more attractive sister, Rachel, and sleep with Jacob so he could force ole’ Jake into working for him for another seven years.  There have to be some serious lessons in that particular tale, no matter what soap opera your life looks like. 

Yes, I’m sure I could learn something new about the Bible every single day of my life.  The problem, of course, is that accomplishing this task would require reading the Bible every single day of my life, and as much as I want to be a person who does that . . . I’m not.  I think about reading the Bible every day.  I talk about reading it.  I even make pledges to myself to read it.  And then, life happens.  The bed needs to be made and the counters need to be cleaned and the floor needs to be vacuumed and the toilets need to be scrubbed and, oh yeah, there are a husband and children who need to be helped and fed and disciplined and adored. 
Nope, I don’t read the Bible every day.  Perhaps that’s why I get so excited when I learn something new about it, especially something as totally and completely cool as what I learned this week.
Do you know how many times the Bible mentions something about not being afraid?  I know, you’re thinking this is a trick question, aren’t you?  I get that.  You’re thinking the answer must be some astronomical number that will blow your mind because how in the world can any book be so repetitive.  Strangely, the answer is perfectly simple.  In fact, it’s simply perfect.  Oh, and yes, in my opinion, it’s also mind blowing. 
So, exactly how many times does the Bible mention something about not being afraid?
365 times.
Ahhhhh.  Are you swooning?  Are your eyes filling with tears?  Are you crossing your hands over your heart and looking up in amazement as you realize there are no coincidences? 
Three-hundred and sixty-five times.  Isn’t that utterly amazing?  Isn’t it incredible and fabulous and precious and marvelous and extraordinary and so . . . Him.
How can we possibly think God is not in the details of our lives?  He has said, in various ways, through all kinds of people, that we have no reason to fear anything if we have Him.  And He’s said it the exact number of times we need to hear it.  Once each day, for every day, of every year, for all of time. 
I’m afraid.  I’m afraid a lot.  I’m afraid my kids will get sick or hurt or kidnapped.  I’m afraid my husband will lose his job or his faith or his mind.  I’m afraid I’ll die young or die alone or die without having made a real impact on anyone or anything.  I’m afraid every day.  And I don’t have to be.  I have all the reassurance I need from the One who is in control.  I have His promise once each day, for every day, of every year, for all of time.   
How cool is that?